Hello! Aloha! and Hola my friends! 
Born and raised in Southern California from a multicultural family, Devin is a Graphic Designer and Illustrator by trade and CSULB Alumni. GO BEACH! He enjoys working from digital to traditional mixed media, and capturing the world around him through his lens. He is currently now living the pacific north western life in coastal Oregon and enjoys the great outdoors when he is not creating new work. 
If you would like to discuss about potential projects, please shoot me an email at devinmacam@gmail.com
Who I've designed for: 
- US Department of Agriculture Forest Service
- Amatheon Animal Health

- Conway Marketing Group

​​​​​​​- Global Conservation Force
- Healthfully
- Thaxton Leadership
- Nextmove Healthcare
- City of Long Beach
- California State University of Long Beach ASI Communications
- City Fabrick
- The Veteran's Collective 

More portfolio work upon request
Until we meet again. Aloha! 
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